Mark Meckler on Tucker Carlson’s Show. Fox News Screengrab

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Like many, many people in the United States, I like Tucker Carlson.  Night in, night out, he is provocative and persistently attacks the regime’s evil Washington consensus.  With the largest audience of anyone on cable, he constantly strives to present dissident voices on the nominal right and the nominal left, on behalf of a national realignment based on reason.

Given this, I was shocked when I saw Mr. Fake Grassroots, Mark Meckler, successfully bamboozle him.  Meckler leads the national movement for a Convention of the States to rewrite the U.S. Constitution.  Heavily funded by the Koch enterprises, who declared over this weekend that they will campaign against Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential primaries, the Convention of States represents a fundamental threat to our Republic.  Its arguments are the same ones which British agents advanced against the Constitution at our founding, and later in the Confederate Constitution.  The campaign for President in 2024 thus presents a unique opportunity to finally consign these failed and evil ideas to the dustbin of history, and reinstate the American System of political economy, the sovereign system viscerally hated by Charles Koch and his globalist cronies.

President Trump is very much on to Koch, tweeting in 2018 that they were globalists whose antiquated and bad ideas didn’t fit his MAGA movement.

Mark Meckler presents a public persona which fairly reeks of “aw shucks” innocent sincerity.  It is so thick that you might think he is trying to emulate George Bailey in Frank Capra’s, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” complete with that film’s “end it all” crisis.  As Meckler melodramatically told Tucker, his demoralization when the 2010 wave election failed to produce change, almost led him to quit politics, until he was rescued by a West Texas friend who vowed to support him until he figured out what to do.

Meckler didn’t tell Tucker that that friend was Texas oil billionaire Tim Dunn, the founder of “Citizens for Self-Government,” whose main project is the Convention of the States. Support Meckler he did. As of 2019, Meckler and his wife were drawing a cool half million dollar a year salary from a venture called Convention of States Action.  Additional funding is supplied by lucrative political ventures supported by the Koch brothers and other ideologically aligned billionaires.  Meckler is a member of the powerful Council on National Policy, the intersection of Republican establishment Washington with evangelical Christians.  The Bush family used it to secure the presidency. In 2001, he earned a gig as interim CEO of Parler as the result of machinations by its billionaire owner, Rebekah Mercer.

Meckler also didn’t tell Tucker about his cadre.  As Tucker put it, “They are everywhere, like the Hare Krishna.”   But, if you question their premises or seek a debate, they will not only refuse any discussion—they will come back at you very hard and very mean.

By Meckler’s account to Tucker, he left the Tea Party Patriots in 2012 because of disagreement with its Washington ways of spending money.   But well-sourced press accounts at the time have Meckler and Jenny Beth Martin flying around the country to campaign for the 2010 wave in a private jet donated by Montana multi-millionaire Raymon E. Thompson.  These supposedly grassroots Tea Party Patriots signed major fundraising contracts with establishment Republican Party firms and consultants, while Meckler enjoyed a regular gig on Fox News. Many of the same vendors have been employed by Convention of the States and its main sponsor, the extremely well corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council.  

The Tea Party Patriots were famously coopted by the Koch Brothers, operating through former Congressman Dick Armey and his Freedom Works venture, very soon after their initial media splash.  Eric O’Keefe, who has chaired Convention of States, is known nationally as the “third Koch brother” for his ability to steer their funds to his favored causes.  Convention of the States enjoys the longstanding support of both Jeb Bush and Ron DeSantis, along with just about every other “personality” in the Murdoch Fox lineup, Dave Rubin, Charlie Kirk, and James O’Keefe.  It was also supported by just about every presidential primary candidate in 2016 with the exception of Donald Trump.

None of this, of course, was a topic on “Tucker Carlson Today,” where Meckler’s grassroots campaign against an evil Washington was the “on” topic.  

Tucker interviewed Meckler on January 17th and now, Tucker says, he supports calling an Article V Constitutional Convention to amend the Constitution.  As I watched in disbelief, I remembered that Tucker, in one of his very worst broadcasts, went all gaga over the death of Queen Elizabeth II, displaying a profound ignorance of the history and evil committed by her Majesty’s very own British Empire.  My friend Bob Ingraham provided the necessary remedial education here.

Tucker has now displayed the same apparent ignorance concerning the U.S. Constitution.  But, as he often says, he’s just a talking head.  Meckler’s main selling point to Tucker was this country’s raging corruption. That is, undeniably, a correct assessment of our condition.  Meckler argues, however, that the corruption does not result from the unchecked power of the security state, the ceding of the Constitution’s control of the purse to the Federal Reserve, or our cultural and financial submission to the mores and programs of the central banking cartel which dominates the World Economic Forum.  Similarly, it does not result from our seeming propensity to elect politicians of disgustingly flawed moral character. It comes, according to Mark Meckler, from a “structural problem” in the U.S. Constitution which an Article V Convention of the States will cure.

Without the limits on federal government power which a Convention of the States would enact, we are unable to check the “natural” quest for power and corruption inherent to human nature, Meckler told Tucker.  Congress will never use the first part of Article V, the way Constitutional amendments have been done since the founding, to make the amendments Meckler and his billionaire friends want.  They will never give up the power they hold absent term limits, a balanced budget mandate, and complete reorganization of the government to curtail federal power and hand it to the states. These three “subject matters” would be the sole object of discussion at an Article V Convention, Meckler proclaims.  But the Constitution’s Article V, in its plain text, provides no such limitations on the scope of an Article V convention.

Naturally corrupt human beings are, after all, “incentive machines,” Meckler excitedly went on, as if he were presenting a unique idea and not simply repeating the central mantra of all British neo-liberalism.  He praised small, local government, declaring it the most natural state for human beings. It is natural, he argued, to be concerned about your family and your immediate society.  Maybe you can be concerned about state government at times, but you shouldn’t have to worry about what goes on in Washington. “Small is beautiful” seemed to be Meckler’s argument to Tucker. It is “natural” to be an impotent, unengaged underling.  Before this interview, it hadn’t dawned on me how much Convention of the States’ argument depends on the “local control” nostrums of the old New Left.

Apparently enthralled, Tucker failed to raise the obvious fallacy in Meckler’s argument.  How is it that state or local governments are, by their nature, zones of incorruptibility?  The American Legislative Exchange Council is a major sponsor of the Convention of the States, and is funded by some of the largest corporations in America, including Big Pharma.  It has, for years, played a dominant role in Republican state legislatures, and there are plenty of tales about how money gets freely passed around there for votes.

Ever since the end of World War II, the globalist oligarchs have been promoting destruction of the nation-state and its breakup into small, controllable city-states, like strategic hamlets.  This has taken a specific form in the overarching British drive to destroy the United States.  Jefferson and Madison have been elevated as popular folk heroes, their treasonous activities against President Washington washed from the history books.  Alexander Hamilton, responsible with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln for creating the single most powerful economy the world has ever known, has been endlessly defamed as a monarchist agent of Manhattan bankers.  In addition to his support for slavery, James Madison believed that national infrastructure built at scale is unconstitutional--a tenet repeated in the Confederate Constitution.

Although he also didn’t share this with Tucker, Mark Meckler is undoubtedly a fan of Frederick von Hayek and the Mont Pelerin Society form of libertarianism, the stuff which came to dominate the initial Tea Party citizens’ revolt against the Obama Administration’s fascist healthcare policies and Wall Street bailouts.  Dick Armey is a huge von Hayek and Mont Pelerin fan.

Evolving directly out of the Pan-European movement in 1947, the Mont Pelerin Society’s imperial concoction demands strict monetarism, personal libertarianism, deregulation, and the replacement of the nation state by a neo-feudalist world confederation controlled by the financial elite.

Von Hayek claims that the nation state itself is the cause of totalitarian phenomena like Hitler and Stalin. He claims that “any mercantilist nation state,” such as Roosevelt’s United States, invariably devolves to totalitarianism, crushing individual freedom and “free markets.” Echoing Jacob Burkhardt, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Martin Heidegger, von Hayek railed against the great achievements of the Golden Renaissance and Council of Florence—the creation of the modern nation state governed by principles of natural law, and the development of modern science. He rejected the idea that human individuals were capable of creative scientific discovery, and ridiculed the idea that man was created in the image of God.

Von Hayek attacked the American System of political economy endlessly, scrawling diatribes against Friedrich List and Henry Carey by name. He said his intellectual father was Bernard Mandeville, an avowed Satanist, who, von Hayek claimed—truthfully—was the true intellectual father of Adam Smith, David Hume, Carl Savigny, Jeremy Bentham, and Charles Darwin.

Von Hayek’s libertarian appeal is, of course, exquisitely tailored to the United States and its post-war cultural myth of “rugged individualism,” endlessly celebrated by Hollywood and Madison Avenue propagandists in such genres as the American Western.

Contrary to libertarian myths, von Hayek was also an advocate of a strong state, especially a state which was able to resist the demands of society. He wanted a new constitutional arrangement in which only “universal laws” benefitting the globalist elites could be enacted, not laws serving “special interests” expressed by the masses. He argued that this would maximize individual liberty. The legislature passing these laws would be composed of an upper house with a small membership, an assembly of mature individuals who would be elected to long limited terms, such as fifteen years.

Many of the “intellectuals” around the British/CIA project known as the Congress of Cultural Freedom (CCF) were interchangeable with the Mont Pelerin Society:  Walter Lippmann, James Burnham, Max Eastman, and Raymond Aron were members of both, as were Henry Luce and other journalists associated with the CCF. Aron, who would become a key mentor of Henry Kissinger, had carried on an intense and impassioned post-war correspondence with Nazi crown jurist Carl Schmitt, whom he exonerated.

Von Hayek’s sojourn at the London School of Economics which resulted in The Road to Serfdom, and the seminars with the other Mont Pelerin founders Frank Knight, Karl Popper, and Ludwig von Mises, were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Popper became, in turn, the philosophical mentor for George Soros. Significant funding for this effort, particularly for the society’s flagship Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) in London, also came from a close associate of Queen Elizabeth herself. Harley Drayton, the main funder for the IEA, handled the Queen’s finances at the time. Margaret Thatcher agrees with the IEA that that Institute deserves the credit for her “shock therapy” privatization/deregulation of the British economy and impoverishment of the British people.

As my friend Robert Ingraham has demonstrated in his recent series of classes, our founders had a most profound disagreement with Mark Meckler centered on the nature of human beings. They believed that humans, all of them, are made in the image of God and participate in God’s creation.  Uniquely, unlike animals, humans can discover universal physical principles, and create and derive technologies from them, mastering the laws of the universe for “ourselves and our posterity.”  Human freedom rests in this mission of creativity and discovery, not in the ability to destroy yourself with mind-altering drugs or animal-like sex of every variety.  The Biblical command to go forth and multiply and subdue the earth, is the foundation of our morality.

According to the founders, governments exist to advance this fundamental human identity generally, and our Constitution, which gave birth to a nation-state, was designed to foster this identity generally, by promoting and protecting the general welfare.

Mark Meckler’s heroes: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Mason, and John Hancock, embraced his view of human beings, a view otherwise championed by the British Empire’s John Locke, Adam Smith, and the avowed satanist, Bernard de Mandeville—along with every other imperial oligarchy in history.  It is hardly accidental that the views of Meckler’s heroes were deployed in defense of human slavery under the flag of local control and states’ rights.  They opposed George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Gouverneur Morris, James Logan, and Ben Franklin, along with many other American intellectual descendants of Europe’s Golden Renaissance. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution represent the victory of Washington, Hamilton, Jay, Morris, Logan, and Franklin, over the neo-liberal Enlightenment-based British slave-trading imperium.

When Ben Franklin famously said the founders had given us a Republic, “if you can keep it,” he referred to the simple fact that educated and passionate citizen political engagement with the affairs of the nation, is what makes the Republic work.  Without that, the Republic fails.  Henry Carey, writing in 1851, put the matter succinctly: “Two systems are before the world. . .  One looks to pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, and barbarism; the other to increasing wealth, comfort, intelligence, combination of action, and civilization.  One looks towards universal war; the other towards universal peace. One is the English system; the other we may be proud to call the American system, for it is the only one ever devised the tendency of which was that of elevating while equalizing the condition of man throughout the world.”  What do you say we use this Presidential campaign to finally fully revive the American System?  I believe Donald Trump will be fully onboard with this.  After all, he endorsed the American System by name in 2016. Only that, rather than suicidally junking the Constitution which defines our only claim to exceptionalism, will lift us out of our present seemingly failed state.